It makes sense when you think about it. The naked city literally gets naked. It’s hard to deny the power of a trickle of sweat as it slides down the neck of the gal on line in front of you at Starbuck’s. And who can ignore the six-pack staring you in the face as the office’s hottie messenger lifts his shirt to wipe that sweltering brow? No matter how you slice it, sex is everywhere in summer. It’s a primal time. So instead of griping about your frizzing hair and subtly trying to discern if you’ve worn enough deodorant, embrace the animalistic humidity, get out there, and work it!
Lots of city girls schlep out to the Hamptons every summer to get their freak on. But what if you’re not the summer share type? Not only is there a ton of competition – beautiful, Botoxed competition, mind you – but it’s a lot of time and energy invested without any guarantee of beachside nookie.
To get yourself flung without leaving the greatest city in the world, try these simple tricks. First, inhale deeply and say this mantra to yourself: I will open my mind to new things. Come on – admit it. You have a type. We like to think of ourselves as complex, individualistic chicks, but look back on your dating history. Do you see what I see? No doubt you’ve gravitated toward the same type of guy over and over again. So try on someone new. Ever date a younger guy? He’ll be aching to please you, and to soak up your wisdom. Older man? He’s been around the block and will know how to treat a woman. The point is, take a risk. You never know what you might learn about yourself. And the guys you never gave a second thought will be more than happy to play teacher.
How about going out as a party of one? A woman alone is far easier to approach than when she’s surrounded by the Great Wall of Girlfriends. If the prospect scares you, remember that you can always leave, or have a friend come meet you. (That’s what cell phones are for.) Flying solo can be liberating. You might even be able to explore some untapped part of your personality without the safety net of your posse. The experience will provide instant empowerment, and you won’t believe you were ever afraid to go it alone.
Outdoor spots in particular are tailor-made for the single gal in summertime. You’ll look like a movie star with the wind blowing through your hair and ruffling your dress. Take long luxurious sips of your mojito, or cool the nape of your neck with a vodka tonic.
Finally, get out! Go sit in the park and just open your eyes. You’d be surprised how many sex-gods abound in summer. And you thought everyone was out on the Island! Take advantage of free concerts in Central Park or movies in Bryant Park. Think Woodstock love-fest but city-style. Bring one or two girlfriends – too many is intimidatingAnd have enough wine and cheese for any interesting passers-by. (It never hurts to keep the boys socially lubed.)
Most importantly, men are most likely to fall in your lap when you’re not looking. So go out as often as you can, no matter how small the trip. Become your own cheering squad, talking yourself into nights out even when you don’t feel like it. (Spontaneous evenings always end up being the most fun, don’t you think?) Never get delivery; instead go pick things up yourself. It sounds silly, but these trips increase scoring-probability. Always make sure you look hot, and don’t forget to smile! When you’re happy, people will naturally gravitate toward you. With any luck, pretty soon they’ll be gravitating right into your arms… AND MORE!

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